A Summary of the Five Year Program
- Hamd/Na’at
- Five Hamd and Five Na’at.
- Hamd/Na’at
- Qirâ’ât al Coran
- First year: Ahsanul Qawaid .
- Second year: Reading of Juz’Ammah with tajweed .
- Third year – Fifth year : Complete reading of the Koran.
- Hifdh Coran
- First year – Fifth year : Ta’awwoudh , Tasmiya , Sura al Fatiha, Surah Mulk , Waaqiyah , Yaseen , Juz ‘ Ammah and Âyat oul kursi .
- Sixth year- Tenth year: Full Quran Hifz
- Qirâ’ât al Coran
- Dou’â and Sounna
- Dou’â for thirty-eight actions and the Sunnas of thirteen activities (eg: Sunna way of eating, drinking, sleeping, entering the mosque, at home, in the toilets).
- Hifdh al Hadîth
- Forty Ahadîth with translation, according to the five general branches of Din , i.e. Imâniyât , ‘ Ibâdât , Mou’âmalât , Mou’âcharah and Akhlâqiyât .
- Dou’â and Sounna
Aqâ’id (beliefs) and Masâ’il rules.
- Aqâ’id ( beliefs )
- The five Kalimas , al Imânoul Moujmal , al Imânoul Moufassal , and the basic beliefs that every Muslim must believe with conviction such as Allah, Prophet Muhammad
, divine books, angels, the hereafter, etc.
- The five Kalimas , al Imânoul Moujmal , al Imânoul Moufassal , and the basic beliefs that every Muslim must believe with conviction such as Allah, Prophet Muhammad
- Salah
- Complete the Salah with all the relevant Du’as , together with the way in which one accomplishes and directs the other six Salahs , such as the Salahs of the Witr , of the sick, of the Joumou’a , of the travelers, etc. The Salah should be taught in a practical way and students should be monitored.
- Al ʾAsmâʾ alHousna
- The ninety- nine descriptive names of Allah.
- Masâ’il ( rules )
- The necessary rules for cleanliness and the Salah , such as ghusl , the wudu ‘, the Farâ’idh and Wâjibât of Salah , etc. Brief introductions on Zakât, the young and Hajj are also given.
- Aqâ’id ( beliefs )
Islamic Education.
- Religious science
- One hundred and ten questions and answers regarding important facts about Islam, Islamic figures, and historical places.
- Speeches and Dou’â
- Five speeches and five Dou’â from the Koran.
- Sîra
- A brief history of the life of Prophet Muhammad
and the four well-guided Khulafâ , i.e. , Abu Bakr
, Omar , ‘Othman
and Ali
- A brief history of the life of Prophet Muhammad
- Religious science
Registration Rules
- Students must be registered 4 months prior to the start of classes, during the registration period that will be announced by the office.
- There is a late registration fee of 25$ for every student that is registered after the registration period. 25$/student will be automatically taken with the first payment.
- Regular school-year classes: students must be registered in the month of May, during the registration period.
- Summer classes: students must be registered in the month March, during the registration period.
- On registration day, parents must bring with them
- Void Cheque (If you have already given a void cheque the year before, you will need to authorize us to continue using your void cheque in person)
- Student’s Medicare card (even if you have already given it the year before)
- Registration Age Condition
- Student must be 6 years old on the day of registration.
- Please note: We have accepted students under 6 years old in the previous years, but this is a NEW rule so using examples of past students is NOT VALID.
- Please do not ask for an exception to be made as NO EXCEPTIONS will be made under any circumstances.
- After class supervision
- Student safety is a priority at our school and we take all measures needed to ensure the safety of your children. To ensure 100% safety, parents must be present a few minutes before the end of class to pick-up their children. Although some of our staff members are present to supervise for a small period of time after class, children are ultimately the parents’ responsibility after class time.
Cancellation Policy
I Agree and I Understand that the fee ($200) is fully not refundable. / J’accepte et je comprends que les frais (200 $) ne sont pas entièrement remboursables.